Russian Orthodox Church of St Aidan and St Chad


Church Services and Schedule:

Although we aim to have the church open at these times there may be occasions when this may not be possible, so please do check the schedule before travelling. Alternatively the church can be accessed by prior arrangement with Fr Gregory.



2nd February 10:00 - Divine Liturgy

32nd Sunday after Pentecost. Venerable Euthymius the Great (473)

9th February 10:00 - Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Synaxis of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church

16th February 10:00 - Divine Liturgy



23rd February 10:00 - Divine Liturgy

     Sunday of the Last Judgement


Church open 10am - 1pm

Confessions - Everyone's welcome

If you wish to volunteer and help you are welcome to come at Church opening times.


Church open 10am - 2pm 

Confessions - Everyone's welcome

If you wish to volunteer and help you are welcome to come at Church opening times.



 Confessions typically occur on Friday and Saturday. A limited number of confessions are heard on Sunday before the Divine Liturgy, but high demand may prevent everyone from personal confession on this day. 

Church Store


 During the church's opening, a table is set up where one can submit prayer requests for the living and the departed, obtain prosphora, and find religious literature and items, and receive a free candle.